Frequently asked questions

How fast do you ship?

We generally ship next business day unless we are picking up inventory, in which case we ship the next business day after we return. Some items require assembly and there may be a couple day lead time on those as well, but it will be annotated in the listing.

What forms of payment do you accept?

Most common forms of payment to include but not limited to Discover, AMEX, Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Shop Pay, ect

What if something is damaged or missing in my order?
How can I leave a review?

You will receive an email email a week after you receive your item(s) requesting a review. Follow the instructions, OR simply go to the item you wish to review on our site, click the yellow stars, then click the "write a review" button!

Do you ship outside the U.S.?

Yes! just check out as normal on our site!